She is Lisa. She loves her bear doll named Corduroy. One day, she planted some beans in a garden of her house. And she asked Corduroy to watch it carefully all day while she is gone for school. Corduroy was watching it carefully as she said to him. However, it was really beautiful day and he fall asleep on a chair. The next moment, he saw a dog was digging the garden where Lisa planed beans. He screamed and thought what he can do now. “I have to find more seeds!” he said and he looked for her desk. There were few more beans he found. He went to the garden and he planted the new beans which he found around the desk. Then he goes back to the chair again and he said “I will watch the beans more carefully”. The beans grew and grew. Lisa came home from the school and watches the grown beans. She picked Corduroy and said. “This is not a bean. It’s a green pepper.” Corduroy thought “Is that good?” Then she said “I love green pepper!” Corduroy was really happy because he wanted to do a great job for her.
This story was really good for me to understand. I liked this story because this story has good thought of being kind to someone. I hope I read this story to someone and be same feeling like I felt. I want you to read this book.
ISBN 0142401315
The second book review!

There were 5 kids in a town and they were looking for some place to play. Every one of them said that their house is not OK to play because there was something going on at their houses. A girl said “We can make a clubhouse.” Then she pointed a place where is full of grass and also full of junk. Boys said “What a crazy idea!” but the girls didn’t listen. And they borrowed some tools from store in the town and they finally started to build a clubhouse there. There were a lot of heavy staff but they put away together. They made a floor, wall, and roof. Then finally they made a clubhouse. It looks really great and they had a party at there.
This is my second book reviews today and I feel really sleepy, but I decided to finish reading 6 books today.
I leaned how girls are strong and how always boys are nervous. The kids who decided to build the clubhouse were a girl and the kids who decided to borrow the tool were also a girl. Boys were always saying negative things. I also learned that if there are difficult things to do, we can do it when we do it together. Sometimes we learn some important things from bed time story or stories from our childhood. We should read it again and learn those things sometimes, I thought.
The Clubhouse, PUFFIN BOOKS, Ezra Jack Keats
ISBN 0142500542
Finally, the last one...

“Where do kitties find out what’s happening? From the Daily Mews!”
This book starts with these sentences. Well, I don’t think all of them are funny but few are. Usually Japanese people don’t understand what the funny point of American jokes are. I think it is because our point of view is different from the U.S. When I was in America, I liked the TV show in America, but I couldn’t understand what the comedian saying on the TV. That is because they use a lot of difficult word and always we have to know what is going on inside the U.S government. If I had more vocabulary of cause I could understand what they were saying, however it is still difficult to understand.
Kitty Riddles, PUFFIN BOOKS, Katy Hall and Lisa Eisenberg
ISBN 0142300829
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