Friday, December 24, 2010
I also studied a lot this year. I think... Almost every night, I was in the library and I was finishing my homework! And I finished every one of them!! How am I good student! I will be junior next year. So, I should be ready for everything I have to do next year. I think I am very ready for every thing. Well, I hope so.. Anyway, I will reach my goal next year, and the goal is get more higher score on TOEIC test and get 300,000 yen. I can do it!!!
Do you have any plan for this weekend? I think everyone of you have. I want to go to Aso for watching some beautiful illumination which I saw on the TV. It was really beautiful and a lot of people were there to enjoy it. It may take more than 1 hour to get there. I also like driving my car so it is not big problem. I have to drive more than 3 hours when I go back to Miyazaki where my hometown is, by the way.
If you have any present for me, just give it to me whenever you want: )
It seems like snowing this evening and I hope so.
Have a great holiday and happy new year!!!
5th project and podcast!

A year without a Santa Claus?
Not possible here -- because Canadian Jean-Guy Laquerre has the world's largest collection of St. Nick stuff.
Photo © Guinness World Records
Merry Christmas and Happy New year!
Blog stats
Posts 39
book points 20.8
book points remaining 0
project or my project 5
podcast or my podcast 5
we got it!!!
On sunday, We had the competition and I thought we did very well. and I could not wait to hear the result of our show. The most existing thing is that a high school beaten us two years ago, and they were there to compete with us.
I thought we were better than them. and it was true! We got the first prize in all japan!!!
Monday, December 13, 2010
The world's longest cat!
The world's longest cat!!

Monday, December 6, 2010
Romeo and Juliet
When I saw this movie, it was not the new "famouse" one. It was more than 20 years old, I think, I mean the movie. It was really really old, however, I felt that we really could understand the story and the feeling of two main characters, Romeo and Juliet. If you havent seen it, you should see it. I promise you will like for sure!!
The story of this book can make you happy, but also make you so sad because the story shows that people's life and death.
Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, Pearson Education Limited
ISBN 0582505143
I think everyone of people in this world know about this story and cryed.
Titanic is known as the "Unsinkable Ship". There are lots of stories of Titanic.
Did you watch the movie?? I think you did already. I can not image that the biggest ship in the world sinked, and how they felt when it is sinking.
This book tells you about what people did after the ship sinked. Lots of people tried to find the Titanic, but without success.
However, on September 1, which is my birthday : ), Robert ballard and Jean Jarry found the lost parts of the Titanic.
If you want to know more about it, you will find the book at library, and also you will find your american dream; )
PAUL SHIPTON, Pearson Education Limited, ISBN 0582438373
Friday, December 3, 2010
My favorite fastfood
I really love junk food such as MacDonald hamburger and so on. I know it is not good for our health but I can not stop it. I usually go there by a car and use the drive through. It is really useful when I go there alone or when I don’t want to get out of my car. The best hamburger is teriyaki burger, I think. It is really good. When I was in America, I really wanted to eat teriyaki burger. However they don’t have it in the united states. Someday, I found the teriyaki burger there but not at MacDonald. It was really delicious but very expensive compared to the Japanese one. I hope they are going to have Teriyaki burger in America someday, and all of Japanese there get fat.
My favorite phone
I love using iPhone. It is the greatest phone I have ever used. I know some people who don’t like it, and think it is really expensive. Actually, I was one of them. I thought it will be really expensive and will be hard to pay for its phone fee every month. When I decided to buy and use it, I went to Yamada electronic store in Kumamoto and shocked. It was really cheap. Actually the fee for a machine is almost free, and even if you use two phones it will be cheaper. I was really glad that I could get it and using now. I am now telling my friends how this phone is great. My friends also were thinking that it is really expensive. However, after I explained everything to them, they went to phone shop to get it. Already, some of my friends got it. I can be a staff at the Softbank shop.
My favorite holiday
Well, I love holidays. Because I am a student, and students can spend the holiday doing whatever they want. Especially I love Christmas. There will be a lot of beautiful illumination in town and also a lot of couples will be there too. I remember the last Christmas; I spent the day at a Japanese bar where I was working. I was going to cry at the time. I was very jealous about that everyone was enjoying their Christmas with their girlfriends or their just friends. Now, I am not doing the part time job anymore. So I think I can spend more time with my friends. I can not wait for the day. I want to go to very famous place in Miyazaki where is illuminated beautiful around a lot of trees and flowers. It is just my wishes, sadly.
My favorite country to visit
I have been to some countries. I’ve been to France, England, Monaco, Italia, Australia, Korea, and the United states. My first place where I traveled was France where is really beautiful place I have ever been to. I can not forget how beautiful place there were. When I woke up, I could hear the sounds of birds sing. And when I open the window, there were really blue beach in front of the house. If I have a chance to go there, I really would love to go there. I also loved Australia. I remember that we were spending time with watching really big land and ocean. When I got back from there, I really wanted to stay there and run my own farm. Actually, I can not decide which country was best. However I am sure every county was great and fun.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Blue M&M dye may mend broken backs

I have found an interesting news. The news' title is this.
Blue M&M dye may mend broken backs
All japan competition
I don't remember anything what I did for last weekend. On Friday, I was awake for all night, and went to bed around 8 in the morning. When I woke up, it was already 5 p.m.. So, I couldn't go to bed that day. These days, it is getting so cold. I can not get up and it will be the time for class. However, it is the end of the month, and the winter vacation is coming soon. I should get up early and move my body harder.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Presentation for “Jack and airplane”
The title of this presentation is “Jack and airplane”. And the sub title is where he comes from?
1st page
Hello. I am Jack. I am really good and sweet guy. If you think I am scary or dirty, I am going to kill you now.
2nd page
Anyway, I was born in Seoul city. Have you been there before? Seoul city is really big city. It is really big. Can you imagine how big the city is?
4th page
This is the example how big the Seoul city is. You can compare the size of people and the city from this picture.
5th page
I love Korean food. I usually have Bibimbap for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I don’t know any other Korean food except this.
6th page
I love going abroad. I am really rich, so I usually go to trip once a week. This picture was taken yesterday by me.
7th page
And I always have some fun there. I can not tell you what I do usually for fun.
I don’t know who they are in the picture.
8th page
I also love shopping. I can not stop buying really expensive things. But I recently found that…
9th page
I don’t have enough money…. I’ve used my credit card a lot yesterday. And I still have to pay for it. I hate thinking about it.
10th page
I also hate airplanes.
11th page
But I like this kind of airplane.
Thank you!
I am not sleepy now, by the way.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Ghost stories
Well, I can not see any ghost and I don't want to. But I like some scary story especially talking with my friend at night. Have you ever seen a ghost?? I haven't seen it before. But I know a lot of people who have, and also who can talk to them.
When I was a junior high school student, I was in brass band club. I got a lot of under grade student when I become a third grade student. And one of my member in trombone section had some strange tool every day in her hands, even when we are practicing. After few month, I asked about the tool to her, and she answered that she can talk to ghost, and do some healing things to them. I couldn't believe what she was talking about. I thought she was telling a lie to us.
However, one day, I was walking alone really dark floor for copying some music for my trombone section. Have you ever feel that someone is following your behind but nobody is there? I felt that when I was there. It was so scary, but I didn't talk about it to anyone. I went back to the practice room where every one is there, and the person who can see a ghost starts talking to me suddenly.
She said,
"A little boy was following behind you..."
It was so scary. Only I know that I felt someone was following me for long time. After that story, I decided to believe her.
How scary is this story...
Rosemary Border, oxford, ISBN 019423066
words 270
total words 4770/10000
The Lost World
When I read this book, I remembered about the first stories of this series. However, this story looked a little calmed down comparing to the first one. I have never seen this movie, so I would like to see it if i have a chance.
I also liked the music they are using. The sound track of the first movie was written by john Williams who is really famous in the world and everyone knows his music for sure. For example, ET, Star Wars and so on. His music remember the story of movie and how we felt when we watching the movie.
Movie has really strong power I think. It makes people's life in a good way. Also, it can control people's mind.
The Lost World
Michael Crichton, Pearson Education Limited, ISBN 0582416949
T W 4500/10000
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
W4 10/10/20 My favorite place My favorite place is Aso. I really like the great view from the top of the mountain. When I go there I feel the power of the earth. May be the place is “power spot” I think. I don’t believe those things, by the way. When I go back to Miyazaki, I always drive thorough Mt. Aso. It fell so great to drive there and see the view from the top. If you had some big trouble, you can go there and forget everything. Think about the world. Think about how huge the earth is. You might feel that your problem seems really tiny problem. I love thinking that way. Mt. Aso makes me brave and strong. Thanks to Mt. Aso. 121
W5 10/11/1 My favorite sport My favorite sport is Golf. I got all golf goods from my father long time ago. It is really expensive to buy all the goods by myself, but my father got all new set of golf goods. That's why he gave his to me. I am practicing once a week or twice when I have a time. But usually I don’t have time for weekend. I also love soccer. I bought a new soccer game for playing it with my friends. We were playing it for all-day. We got really tired of it. I know it is not sport to watch the screen and don’t move. But it is really exciting for me. I will do some exercise at outside. I will.... 122
W6 10/11/1 My favorite country My favorite country is the united states of America. I think. I like going abroad and have a lot of fun there. So, actually I can’t say where I love the best. However, when I was a junior high school student. I was big big fun of the American culture, and Music. I was listening some American music every day. I really wanted to go there at that time. So, I decided to go there, and study for music, when I was high school student. I can’t believe what I did and my parents let me to do. Now I am studying English at KGU and I hope I am improving my English skill. Someday, I want to visit the University of Montana where I was studying music. 128
W7 11/11/10 My favorite jazz trombone player My favorite jazz trombone player is J.J. Johnson. I love the way he play trombone. I mean the sound and melodious line when he improvises. I am listening his music now and typing this homework. I really feel great when I am listening this. I want to you to get his music and hear. I think you will like it for sure. Oh, I want to practice trombone! I wish I can play like him. I have heard a lot of trombone player since I was interested in jazz music. However, his music is the best I think. I can feel what he is feeling and thinking. I decided that my goal from now is his sound. But first, I have to finish this typing homework. 126
W8 11/11/10 My favorite plan when I have time. When I have time, I usually hang around with my friends. We usually go to drink at Japanese bar. I really love drinking there. Drinking makes me so happy. Am I sounds like an alcoholic? No, I am not. I think. Anyway, that is one of my way to spend time when I am free. I usually drink beer first, and after that I drink Shochu. My friend also likes it very much. However, we have to control the pace when we drink it. Other wise, we may stay at bathroom for 1 or 2 hours. I have experienced that so many times when I was high school student. I don’t want to feel that again. Please ask me if you want to have a drink with me!! 128
W9 11/11/10 My favorite sport to watch I love watching soccer game on TV. I will be out of control when I am watching it. When the entire world was exciting about World Cup, I am one of them. I was shouting at TV around midnight. I also love playing soccer game with my friends. I bought a new soccer game recently. My friends and I was playing that till the sun came out. We usually couldn’t stop playing it, even we have an important stuff coming the day after the day. I know we should think about other important things, but we of cause can not do that. We prefer not to do that. The most exciting thing is that I can play it online with people from other prefectures. Can you believe how the technologies are growing so quickly? 134
W10 11/11/10 My favorite music equipment I am really picky about my music stuff. For example, I really care for the sound when I hear music. I bought a great tool for listening music from my iPhone. It called noise canceling earphone. It is really good for listening music when the environment around you is so noisy, it will delete the noise. I am really surprised when I used it for the first time. The noise is gone!! I think it is really useful when you are in train or air plane. The music will not go out from the earphone, and also the noise. I am sure you feel what you are hearing is really clear. However, is it really expensive, and it is a little big to use, I thought. 126
W11 11/11/10 My favorite J-POP music My favorite Japanese pop music is Southern all stars. I really love their music, actually Mr. Kuwata’s music. His music gives really strong impression. Everyone knows that his lyric has sexual messages. I also love that. Anyway, I love his music best. I have very wonderful story about his band. My junior high school teacher is a drummer in my home town. He was playing for some rock band there. Did you know the guitar player of Southern all stars is from Miyazaki? And he is my teacher’s friend. So he was going to play as a drummer when the band is not famous yet. However, he had enough rock band already so he decided not to join the southern all stars. if he decided to be a member of the band, he will be on a CD jacket. 139
oh, i was in Miyazaki last weekend for my teacher's last concert. he will retire his job this year and his last concert was last weekend. I went to teach marching band so many times at his school and i also learned a lot of things from him. I can not believe that he is not going to be at junior high school anymore. but i hope he will keep doing music job. and be my goal forever. I am here because of he. thank him for being my teacher and teaching music for me. I want to be a teacher like him. Teaching some subject of cause, but also teach very important things for life. He did it and changed my life in a good way. I am still doing music and teaching music for a lot of people, i think it is because he was there. For the last concert, i was one of the member who played on the stage, and he was conducting for us. It will be unforgettable concert forever for everyone who were there.
umm...... Is there another things i can talk now??
I am sleeping and typing..
I am going to buy some clothes tomorrow.
and what??
That's it. I am going to bed. bye.
sweet dream!
Monday, November 8, 2010
OUR restaurant
The name of the Italian restaurant is "Chao". It means hello or good bye in Italian.
The restaurant was started in 2008, and they got three stars from the "Great Italian book" in 2010. The restaurant is usually closed on Sunday, so you should go there Mon - Sat. Their best dish is only 20 for a day, so you are not able to have it, if you go there late.
I know one of the cook there, and I will introduce her a little.
Her name is xiao qiao. She is from China, and she was in Italy for 10 years. She had run her own restaurant there for 8 years. She was one of a great cook in Italy and China. That's why she decided to come here and run Italian restaurant.
I am going to introduce my friend Senor. He works at famous restaurant “Chao” in Ooe. He is from Italy. He is 25 years old. He was said he could make any meal using knife freely since he was 7 years old. His mother said “One day, he suddenly went to the kitchen and cooked spaghetti with meat sauce. “ He is just said a miracle kid of Italian. He had gone to France and learn French for three years. after graduating from high school. After that, he had learned Chinese meal in China for two years. In there, he met with cooks who are said genius at cooking like him.
I am going to tell you about my friend “Izabera” and her restaurant “ChaO”.
There is a popular restaurant in Ooe. This restaurant’s name is “ChaO”.
That is famous for delicious.
One of an employee that works at this restaurant is my friend “Izabera”.
She was born in NY. She is 22 years old. She was interested in cooking when she was 10 years old. So she went to China to study cooking when she was 16 years old. She trained for a cook in there for 5 years. And she works at “Chao” now.
Project post 2

A wild fruit, the Pepquino was discovered by Dutch food producers in South America who brought it to the Netherlands and cultivated it in greenhouses.
While it resembles larger varieties, it has a fresh crisp taste similar to a cucumber and juicy light green flesh.

Thursday, November 4, 2010
The Godfather
YL 4
Monday, October 25, 2010
coming holidays!!!

We are going to spend more than 5 holidays for coming next weekend. Wow. That's a lot to me. I can not wait to have some fun!! However, I heard that we will have more homework for that days. I thought about it, but I couldn't believe it. Now, I am ready for the assignments. Please give me lots of homework more and more! I will have some fun, of cause. My plans for coming holiday is going to trip with my friends, and helping for a marching band competition this weekend for three days. There will be the high school which I graduated and I am sure they will get the first prize. If you have time, I hope you will go there and watch what they are doing. You can not believe what you are seeing and what they are doing.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Our restaurant
The name of the Italian restaurant is "Chao". It means hello or good bye in Italian.
The restaurant was started in 2008, and they got three stars from the "Great Italian book" in 2010. The restaurant is usually closed on Sunday, so you should go there Mon - Sat. Their best dish is only 20 for a day, so you are not able to have it, if you go there late.
I know one of the cook there, and I will introduce her a little.
Her name is xiao qiao. She is from China, and she was in Italy for 10 years. She had run her own restaurant there for 8 years. She was one of a great cook in Italy and China. That's why she decided to come here and run Italian restaurant.
My friends' summer vacation
Sayano went to Minesota for studying abroad. She said it was really great and she had great time with her host family. She studied English there, and had some interesting experience. What did she use for studying English? Of cause, a dictionary.
Misaki, one of my group member, went to Oita with her friends. She went to Harmony land where Hello Kitty and her friends are living. She said "I didn't spend time for studying anything"
Script for presentation.
I am going to tell you some interesting news in the world.
The first interesting news is this
mother gives birth on 8/8/8/, 9/9/9, 10/10/10
"When the third one came around and it did end up on 10/10/10, I was surprised and I was happy because then the little one wouldn’t be left out."So, 11/11/11 baby coming soon? They are quick to say no.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The last practice
We had last practice for marching band competition today. They looked really nervous, so I said some funny jokes. They didn't lough,but it was so funny I am sure. Then, they started laughing because they thought I am such a poor man. The last show today, they did really great jobs. We couldn't get a gold prize, but I thought it's doesn't matter. What we need is that the day practiced hard and the mind not to give up so quickly.
I am really proud of them.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Staying at Kinpo-en in tamana
I am going to stay at Kinpo-en in tamana city today. This place have really great hot springs, like this pic. If you have any chance to come here, or if you love hot spring, you should come. Everyone of people who came here says "this is the best hot spring in this town. It doesn't more than a tub, but I like it too. It's really simple, but simple is the best as you already know.
I am going to Oita tomorrow for marching band competition as I already said for the last post. So, I have to take a bath and go to bed early today,because I have to drive tomorrow. I hope all of you are gong to have a great weekend.
Friday, October 8, 2010
typing homeworks
My favorite music
My favorite music is Jazz. I was student of University of Montana and learning music there. It was really great experience to learn Jazz in America. I could play with famous jazz player and I could feel the spirit of jazz. I also like improvising. Listening everyone's improvise is so fun. There is a lot of new idea how to play it. If I can be in jazz band in Japan of cause I would play in jazz band. I also want to be a conductor of jazz band. Making the jazz music is really fun. I was teaching marching band this summer vacation and also teaching how to play jazz music there. It was really good experience. Jazz is my favorite music.
My favorite high school memory
My favorite school memory is all Japan marching band competition. We practiced whole year for the competition. I was really nervous at that time but I remember the day we practiced together and hard. We finished our marching band show and at the end of the competition, an announcer said our school got the 1st pries. I could say anything for a moment. We are the best marching band in Japan? It was the best high school memory. Also I want to tell every marching band student how the marching makes us strong. So I am now teaching marching band in Kumamoto and Miyazaki. I am sure they also think so too. Marching band is not only playing music and moving on the field.
My favorite elementary school
My favorite elementary school is Takuma-Nishi elementary school which is I am teaching marching band there. The student of the elementary school is working hard every day for being better music instrument player. When I went there, they were practicing at outside and some of them were sick because of the heat. However, they kept practicing again and again. They had a big marching show at Kumamoto marching festival. I knew they are getting really good at it, and a lot of audience thought like that. I was really proud of them, I hope they get better and better at playing music and be the champion in all Japan. I know they will. So I will do anything for them.
My favorite class
My favorite class is English education. It is really good class for the people who are being an English teacher. I took the class because I want to be an English teacher. Our teacher is Mr. Hayashi. He is the funniest and greatest teacher in this college. He tries to know every student of the class. That's why he is our favorite teacher. Also, his class is really useful. I am doing Kateikyoushi for junior high school student, and his teaching skill is really making my student good at English. I cannot wait to go to a high school to have experience of teaching English for English teacher's license. I will learn a lot of stuff there and I hope I become a great English teacher like Mr. Hayashi.
My favorite junior high school memory
My favorite junior high school memory is when I went to Kyushu wind orchestra competition for our band. It was really great memory of junior high school. We practiced every day, and we could go to the Kyushu competition in all Japan. We were very glad to get the pries and all the member of the band got a strong bond finally. I cannot foregut that my friend who was in Kendo club when he was a elementary school student who didn't like music, however he was the first person who jumped and running around. Now he graduated a college in music major and he is working at a kindergarten. I am sure music has a great power to change people's life in a good way. Of cause I am one of them.
My favorite vacation
My favorite memory of vacation is when I went to New York with my mom. It was my first time to go America. My mother and I went to the liberty of statue. Both of us couldn’t speak English so it was really hard to understand what they are saying and writing. Anyway, we finally could go to there and we also watched the famous musical. Like the lion king. However, I had really bad jet lug, I don’t remember the most of the story. Then I decided to study English more and make me understand English more. When I went back to Japan, I studied English more and more. But it was still hard to understand. It was really great experience for me to go there. It changed my life in good way.
My favorite things to do
My favorite things to do is the "English Central” I found that it is really great if you want to learn English. We can learn how to pronounce it, and how to make conversations with some friends from abroad. I am doing it every morning before the first class and I think it is good to speak English before we speak Japanese. Our body remembers how to move the mouse and lips when we are speaking in English. So I decided to do it every morning if I had my lap top in front of me. Also the pointing system makes me happy. I can find how far I did for it. However, sometimes the "Try Again" makes me mad. I feel like I am throwing my lap top from the top of my apartment if I see it so many times. Anyway, it is my favorite thing to do.
Total 944
Monday, October 4, 2010
Project topic
World's interesting and funny News.
The latest interesting machine in this world.
a place
our project should have
about me
others as necessary
I am Jack.
This is just homework for speaking 4 class, by the way. I am not jack.....
Busy week
When I came back from Miyazaki, I found Mr. Tomei sent me an e-mail. It was about a homework from speaking 4 class. It made me really sad and I had no power to do it. I didn't have time to finish homework last week end so I woke up early this morning and finished it. How I am great student.... Anyway, I can not wait to see their marching this week end.
Next week, I am going to Korea for buying some tool for the marching band. I am going there for the first time, so I am really excited to go there. Be sure, I am not going there just for fun.. But, I will have some fun, I am sure.
I hope all of you have great week... hahahahahahahaha.....
240 words.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Dirty Money
Joe works at local news paper, and he lives by a quiet lake and mountains. He loves listening nothing and enjoying it with his wife. However, the beautiful sight changed suddenly. He and his wife heard something from the deep mountain. He drove there and he found that people were making nuclear dump there.
He asked his boss to write about this story and tell how we are angry. However, his boss didn't accept him to write about it. He sensed that something dark power there. He decided to follow the person in charge of the nuclear dump, and he finally found out that his boss and the mayor of the city are getting money from the person of nuclear dump. Joe called the 911 and he finally wrote about the problem.
He saved the beautiful the mountain and lake.
I know everyone in this world want to get money. However, there are no money we can get without a hard work. If there are such a things, it is a trap. You should work and earn, or go to jail.....
Dirty Money
Sue Leather, Cambridge, ISBN 0521683335
200 words
YL 1.2
summer vacation.
it was also great to learn how the my teacher teaching marching band. my teacher is really famous marching band director. so, i can learn a lot of things from him. we spent a long time together and i am sure i got more good teaching skills. the schools which i am teaching got gold prize and they are going to all Kyushu marching band competition that is coming soon. i was really glad they got chance to play over there because it is going to be really great memory of their school.
i believe those days makes them more stronger, and it will give them great personality. i hope the coming competition will be great memory too.
197 words
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Our country.
Famous music of our country is rock and roll music. However, it is a lot different from other countries' rock and roll music. We use shika-kin (Deer-phone) instead of using guitar, drum and so on. It sounds like just steel drum. It is also our traditional musical instrument and every one of family in our country has it.
Weather of our country
Weather of our country is always snowing. It's really cold every day, however some strange things happen. Once or twice a year, a lot of shells come from the sky, and we use it as money in our country. I know it's strange.
Omiyage from our country
Omiyage from our country is "Nail of bears". There are a few bears in our country, so it is really expensive. We can get it at the airport stores, or at downtown. We also use it as a parts of the traditional instrument, "Deer-phone". If you wanna get it from online store, go to "" or call us "BearBearBear", "2327-2327-2327".
Plants of our country
Our national plant is “Vitary”! The flower’s color is white, it was found by Vitary. If you eat the flower, you can get better soon from all disease. However it is very rare flower because it open once a century.
Food our country
Our famous food is watermelon, but it is not normal watermelon. It taste like a watermelon sherbet! Because there is very cold place. However it’s not popular because there is too cold to eat. If you’ll bring it to south it malt and you can watermelon juice.
Our famous sports are bobsled and dogsled! First I’ll introduce about our national bobsled team. Their costume is tight, because they can reduce air resistance. And the course is 50km. We have a big event about it once four years in our country. Next I’ll tell you about our dogsled. There are 12 teams, and they have different kinds dogs that comes with a pedigree. The teams have two dog-sledder for the race. There are 19 race a year, we call it D-1 Grand Prix! The last year’s D-1 champion was Jaime!! He could get the very expensive shika-kin.
In our country, sea unicorns are very famous. You can see them in a tour on a ship. This is a sea unicorn-watching! We can use their fangs as remedies against any poison. If you take the powder of their fangs, you can be happy!
Folk costume
The nation wear our country’s folk costume whenever festivals hold. All of the costume were made with mink. We wear mink coat, mink globes, a mink earmuff, a mink cap and mink socks. When we wear them, we must be naked! Do you think we are cold? No way! Mink cold weather protection gears makes us so warm.
Queen of Hyperboria
The queen of our country is Damar Gume Mona Ⅲ. She is always so kin to all the nation and loves shiny things. For example, stars, jewels and also MONEY! Her main jobs are protecting the valuable bears and holing parties twice a month. She is beautiful, but sh has no boy friend yet, so she is searching for a boy friend now!
529 words
Friday, July 16, 2010
Well done!
Anyway, I am planning to take a TOEIC test during the summer vacation to get a 300000yen. well, it's not just for the money. I want to do something makes me as a good student. My plan for the goal is: listen the English conversation, read a English book, watch a English movie without a subtitle, and do some of the text book for the TOIEC test, everyday. I hope I will improve my English skills and welcome the coming Autumn semester.
138 words
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Posts: 45
Book reviews: 12
Self-intro essay: 1
Kumamoto essay: 1
Podcast episode 1: 1
Kumamoto presentation: 1
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Baby Day
This is the last book review for this semester and I feel really good about this. For the next semester, I will try to read more high-level book. I am sure it makes me more better as a English learner.
What I thought,when I doing book review, was to read some books makes our brain more English like. This is really good practice for speaking English fluently.
The Baby Day, Jenny Alexander, ISBN 0582464358
95 words
Sam's New Flat
It was really interesting to read this book. It was about the devortion of their parents. Well, this book doesn't seems like that.
If I married with someone, I would not divorce with her. But, I don't know what gonna happen to me. That is the life.
Sam's New Flat, Jenny Alexander, ISBN 0582464382
94 words
Monday, July 12, 2010

We are taking a few exam this weekend, and it is really hard for me. How many exam are you going to have this semester? I am not sure, but I always feel nervous when we have it. I don't want to go back to 1st grade.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Mercury and the woodcutter
Mercury and teh Woodcutter, Aesop, ISBN 139780170126090
84 words
The Mystery of the Missing Bike
One day, Isaac could not find his bike.He can not remember where he left the bike. He looked every where he could, but he couldn't find it. He asked his mum about the bike and she said
Well, you're going to have to find it,
he followed the tire marks and oil marks, however, he couldn't find his bike. He went back to his home, and there were his friend, Eric. He was holding Isaac's bike. Now, he remember he had let Eric have his bike until his bike was fixed.
This book was easy to understand and pronounce. I want to keep doing this. You should try this if you are interested.
The Mystery of the Missing Bike, Nicolas brasch, Melissa Webb, ISBN 9780170125178
125 words
The Call of the Wolf
You will be alone there for many days. It will be a big test for you.His father took Ruki to the cave in the woods where the call from. After he spent few days, he heard the call of the wolf. Still he was shivering, however, he knew the wolf is much more closer than the days he spent few days ago. He graved some food and cut by his knife, and threw it into the darkness. Suddnly, the wolf showed up and started to eat the food he threw.
After the wolf finished eating, the wolf was staring at him.
That's all I have,Then the wolf turned and left.
Ruki felt good. He had met the wolf. He had passed theThis book had a cd and I listend it and read out loud. It was really good practice to do it.
The Call of the Wolf, Carmel Reilly, ISBN 100170125629
202 words
Monday, June 28, 2010
The view of lives
There are a lot of jobs in this world, and we dream to get a job that we want. Some people think that it is great to get a job which we can earn a lot, and others think it is important to get a job which we can feel the contentment for it. In the movie”The Nanny Diaries”, there are two types of people as I mentioned. In my opinion, it is important to get a job which attracts you a lot.
In this movie, Annie Braddock graduated a college and her mother wanted her to find a respectable position in the business world. In this case, her mother think the position of the society is important and the money. On the other hand, Annie found that it is important to feel some fulfillment by doing her job.
I understand the both side of ideas, and I think both of them are right. The key is how we can keep the balance of these thoughts. One way to keep the balance is that “Do whatever you want”. Actually, most of people who earn huge money are doing a job what they wanted to do. It is sounds so egotistic, however it’s the best way to take the idea of both side.
210 words
The Way You Wear Your Cloth
There is many way to wear clothes in this world and there is much opinion about it. “Snow boarder Kokubo barred from games opening ceremony over dress code” Japan Today was discussing the way he wore the Olympic dress. In my opinion, we should wear cloth formally depends on the situation.
The problem of the snowboarder was he wore the official uniform informally when he arrived at Vancouver. There were a lot of media and they took picture of him. If he wore it informally not in front of media, it wouldn’t be a big problem. The reason of this problem was because he didn’t think when he need to wear it formally.
We can say same thing about youth who are sagging their pants. If they are pants-sagging when they are hanging out with their friends and wear their school uniform formally, the media don’t argue about their fashion. Because they do it all the time, people take a critical attitude to them.
However, it will also be a problem if they are pants-sagging too much. Showing their underwear to everyone is just disgusting.
It is important to express what they think about their fashion. However, it is more important to think when they can express it especially in Japan. We should not forget that there are rules of this society.
218 words
typing homeworks
Foreign countries | I really want to go to Europe for sight seeing. I have been to British, France, and so on when I was a high school student. It is long time ago for me. I also went to New York, Sydney, for school trip and family trip. It was really cool to see other countries and eat different food from Japan. The most delicious food was humbuggers in the U.S. It was really big and drinks are free to refill. My mom couldn’t eat all of them because it was too much food for my mom. I want to go foreign countries with my family or my friends, and make a lot of great memories. | 114words |
My favorite movie | I really don’t have a favorite movie, because I watch a lot of kinds of movie. I want to see "Alice in wonder land"; however I don’t have a time to go to a movie theater. I usually go to Hikari no mori to see movies. There is some restaurant to spend time before watch movies. But usually I will fall a sleep after I eat some food and see a movie. If I pick a favorite movie, it would be Pygmalion. | 84words |
Using the computer | I have a new computer now. Because my old computer was broken. However, I cannot use internet at home now, so I should be able to use it as soon as possible. The new computer looks so good to me and it works so quick. I want to do a lot of things if I can use the internet. I am living on a 8th floor now, so that is why it is hard to join the internet service. Yesterday, I found some paper in front of my door and it was about an internet service. I will try to ask them and I hope I can use it someday. I don’t want to go to computer lab every time I use the computer. | 124words |
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About my Keitai | I am using au cell phone now; however I want to use Softbank cell phone someday. It is because they have I phone. It looks so cool to me and I like the system they have. The most things I want to do are the download the application for it. They have really funny application and really fantastic tools. I heard there will be the new I phone soon, so I wish I can get it and do what I wanted to do. The cell phone I am using now is not bad, however, it looks so old and it sometimes doesn’t work well. They have a lot of books I can read on the phone, but it is usually expensive. I cannot wait to have new cell phone. | 129words |
About blogging | It is really hard for me to do blog, because I don’t have a internet connection at my home. Well, I already talked about this before. So I am at library now, and doing this assignment. It is about 9 pm. there is no one around me. I am a little scared. I wish I could use internet at home, so I can do it every day. But I am sure I will watch the YouTube everyday and spend a lot of time for it. Blogging is kind of fun but it is not fare for people who don’t have the connection at their home. But it is really great practice to type in English and does the diary every day. 572 words | 121words |
Mr. Bean
After another hour, he gets up but he is still sleepy. Still asleep, he makes his bed and walks into the wall, waking himself up. He puts on a pair of slippers. He opens curtains and looks out the windows. It's a beautiful day! He then does his morning exercises. He turns on the light and shaves with a razor. But the razor catches his nose hair. He takes away the razor from his nosehairs by using a pair of scissors to free himself. He opens a dresser and takes his jacket from a hanger. A paper has a smiling mouth and 9:00 a.m. written on it and is on the hanger, but Mr Bean doesn’t notice it. He takes the alarm from the glass of water and hangs it to dry a clothespin. He looks at the paper and remembers. This paper reminds him about a dentist appointment. He notices he is already late for the appointment. So, he hurries and takes his clothes and shoes. He goes out but he returns to tuck the blanket on his lovely teddy bear. And he goes out again.
He is running now, and then he is in front of his car. He opens the door and throws his clothes into his car. And he is about to get into his car but he grabs a brick and puts it in his car. Finally he starts driving his own car and knocks down some garbage cans. While he is driving, he tries to change his clothes. Now, he is taking his pajamas off and putting a shirt on. Then he puts the brick from the road onto gas pedal, so he doesn't have to use his feet. He puts his pants on and then puts a pair of sox on, and while he is doing it, he drives the car with his feet. He beeps the horns and turns the blinkers on with his foot too. After he puts his shoes on, he starts to drive with his teeth because he is trying to do is brushing his tooth. He dropped the toothpaste on dashboard but he still uses it for brushing. He puts his head out of the car window and then, he uses some water from the wipers to rinse his mouth. Then he spits out the water out and it hits a road worker, but Mr. Bean doesn’t notice. He arrives at the dental clinic and there are only one parking spot with a car already in it, so using his car, he pushes the other car out of the parking space. He gets out of the car, however there is a police woman who just arrived who is looking at the front of his pants... His pajamas were sticking out from his pants.
When Mr. Bean entered in treatment room, a doctor said to him "please sit down", and when Mr. Bean sits in the dentist’s chair, he touched a lever. Mr. Bean’s chair went down. He touches the lever to go up. However his chair went down, down, down,,, but Mr. Bean reverts to normal position eventually gets the chair back. Then the doctor uses the suction tube to dry Mr Bean’s mouth and checks Mr. Bean’s cavity. Mr. Bean then plays with the suction tube on his tongue, taking the dust off his jacket, and sucking up the doctor’s tea!! The doctor injected an anesthetic into Mr Bean’s mouth. Mr Bean plays with the needle, but when the doctor comes back, Mr. Bean hides it. When the doctor touches Mr. Bean’s tooth, Mr. Bean inject the anesthetic into the doctor’s leg. His leg goes to sleep and the doctor fall down and is knocked out. Mr. Bean tried to fill his cavities himself. He counted his teeth and remedy but he realizes it might upside-down x-ray. He drills and put filling. When Mr. Bean bites down, his teeth stick. When the doctor comes up behind him, Mr. Bean could open his mouth and he went back his home.
Well done. NOT.
I've got the internet
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
5day trip

I had really good time there, and If I can go there again, I wish I could drive the jeep and die.
I think that some Japanese scenery are very beautiful and it has the original Japanese view. However, when I was in America, I went to a lot of beautiful places, and I thought the places are really huge. There were also a really beautiful place, and I thought Japan doesn't have a place like there.
The differences of American scenery and Japanese scenery is the scale, I though. Both of countries has really beautiful scenery, but the scale of the scenery is different. I cant say which side is better. It looks really good for both side to me. If you have a chance to go National park, I would say you should go there. You will impressed by the amazing scenery.
Monday, June 21, 2010
My experience

I took this picture when I was in Colorado, USA. It was really a beautiful day, and my friends and I took a trip to somewhere I don't remember. I think it was the place was really famous in Colorado. There is a lot of historical building and the view was wonderful. I took a lot of pics and this is one of them. Can you see a Grass Hopper? I think he is trying to dive into the big sky but he doesn't have enough courage to do it. There is no ground where the grass Hopper watching that is why he cannot do it.
It was really hard to learn things in English. English was a subject to learn for me until I graduated a high school. However, if you step into the land of America, you have to learn a lot of subject in English. It is the big difference, I thought.
I was in Music major, and I took a lot of music class. My professor was really old but he was really nice at me. He is teaching Jazz bands at the University of Montana. He is just amazing. I took the Jazz band class too. It was the best class for me, because I can get credits and play music!!
I will try to write everything I experienced in the U.S. with the great picture.

There are a lot of to do this week. why? Because we are second grade now? I think so... I had about three report to do and lots of assignment from some English classes. I finished most of them, however I couldn't finish some of them. The exams are coming next week and I am not ready for it. What should I do? I need to change my life style first.. haha.. Anyway, I am not the only one who have a lot of things to do. Japanese soccer team has a lot to do. They are doing great now. There was a game on last week end. I was watching it with drinking Shochu. I did't feel bad when they lost because they have chance to go to the final tournament.
I am sure they are doing what they can do now and spending a hard time now. So, I should do same things to pass the all exam and be a teacher. Thanks them for teaching a lot about doing what I have to do!! I wish you will be the finalist.... If there is a chance. GO JAPAN!
Monday, June 14, 2010
The fantastic Mr. fox
- Mr. fox eats three farmers food
- The three farmers wants to stop him
- Can Mr. Fox alive?
Kumamoto Onsen
Onsen is one of a famous Japanese culture. We go there when we felt tired, when we want to just relax, and when we want to have some fun with our friends, or a girlfriend. There are two types of Onsen. One of them is public Onsen. We take our cloth off and take it with people we don’t know each other. The best point of that is we can talk with those people. Other type of Onsen is private Onsen which we go there with our family or girlfriend.
The famous places of Onsen are Kurokawa Onsen, Tamana Onsen, Yamaga Onsen, and so on. My favorite place to go is Kikuch Onsen. There are a lot of private Onsen and each of them is really cheap even for students. It’s cost around 1500 yen for 40 min. They usually have 10 or more rooms, so we don’t have to wait a long time to take it.
Kurokawa Onsen is the well known Onsen in Japan. There are a lot of Onsen and it looks so historical place. It is because the owners of the Onsen take their hands together for making the place look great. The road is simple, and there are no colorful things you can see. That’s why people love to go there.
Onsen make all people happy. A lot of people from other countries go there to feel the culture, and they become a big fan of it. There are still lots of Onsen I haven’t been to. I wish I go every famous Onsen and become a King of Onsen.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Book reviews' week!

She is Lisa. She loves her bear doll named Corduroy. One day, she planted some beans in a garden of her house. And she asked Corduroy to watch it carefully all day while she is gone for school. Corduroy was watching it carefully as she said to him. However, it was really beautiful day and he fall asleep on a chair. The next moment, he saw a dog was digging the garden where Lisa planed beans. He screamed and thought what he can do now. “I have to find more seeds!” he said and he looked for her desk. There were few more beans he found. He went to the garden and he planted the new beans which he found around the desk. Then he goes back to the chair again and he said “I will watch the beans more carefully”. The beans grew and grew. Lisa came home from the school and watches the grown beans. She picked Corduroy and said. “This is not a bean. It’s a green pepper.” Corduroy thought “Is that good?” Then she said “I love green pepper!” Corduroy was really happy because he wanted to do a great job for her.
This story was really good for me to understand. I liked this story because this story has good thought of being kind to someone. I hope I read this story to someone and be same feeling like I felt. I want you to read this book.
ISBN 0142401315
The second book review!

There were 5 kids in a town and they were looking for some place to play. Every one of them said that their house is not OK to play because there was something going on at their houses. A girl said “We can make a clubhouse.” Then she pointed a place where is full of grass and also full of junk. Boys said “What a crazy idea!” but the girls didn’t listen. And they borrowed some tools from store in the town and they finally started to build a clubhouse there. There were a lot of heavy staff but they put away together. They made a floor, wall, and roof. Then finally they made a clubhouse. It looks really great and they had a party at there.
This is my second book reviews today and I feel really sleepy, but I decided to finish reading 6 books today.
I leaned how girls are strong and how always boys are nervous. The kids who decided to build the clubhouse were a girl and the kids who decided to borrow the tool were also a girl. Boys were always saying negative things. I also learned that if there are difficult things to do, we can do it when we do it together. Sometimes we learn some important things from bed time story or stories from our childhood. We should read it again and learn those things sometimes, I thought.
The Clubhouse, PUFFIN BOOKS, Ezra Jack Keats
ISBN 0142500542
Finally, the last one...

“Where do kitties find out what’s happening? From the Daily Mews!”
This book starts with these sentences. Well, I don’t think all of them are funny but few are. Usually Japanese people don’t understand what the funny point of American jokes are. I think it is because our point of view is different from the U.S. When I was in America, I liked the TV show in America, but I couldn’t understand what the comedian saying on the TV. That is because they use a lot of difficult word and always we have to know what is going on inside the U.S government. If I had more vocabulary of cause I could understand what they were saying, however it is still difficult to understand.
Kitty Riddles, PUFFIN BOOKS, Katy Hall and Lisa Eisenberg
ISBN 0142300829